Back on my blackberry again.
Yesterday Ronnie and I went out to the Barras for a stroll. It was a nice walk, like we were going back in time, but if truth be told I think we were there towards the end of the day and it was quiet and a bit depressing.
We ended up going in to see a fortune teller. It was sort of the reason we went out there, it's something to do eh and to be honest, I wasn't expecting to actually find it. It all happened really quickly though, we saw the sign, walked up the stairs then a moment later I was in a small room needing to take my coat off from the heat. I was quite nervous. She began by saying "I will tell you bad news if I see it so please be prepared"...
It cost £25 for what was at the most a 10 minute reading. She basically told Ronnie and I both the exact same things (I see travel coming up soon, studying will bring you good luck, you will emigrate, property will bring you success). She seemed really nice, but she also said my parents were separated (30 years of happy marraige) so I don't think I'll really go back.
Afterwards we went in to a pet shop and I saw these tiny wee kittens! I want one I want one I want one. We had lunch in Mono and then we went to see the Glasgow Cathedral. It's recently been refurbished and looked totally stunning. Then we went next door to the Peter Howson exhibition of research art work for his St John Ogilvie piece. The school I went to was named after St JO, so I know his story well. Seeing the paintings and the pain Howson managed to capture was quite awesome and made me feel quite emotional. Something I've never really got from a painting before. Oh well!
To top it off we went to the GFT to see Hanna. Never been to the GFT before, it's really olde worldy but I don't like the seats :( Hanna was good, so was Banna mwahaha. I'm not a film critic so I'll just stick with 'It was good' and maybe say more when I'm not using my phone :)
I hope you all enjoyed this photo of Ronnie carrying my bag!