Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Worst Place in the World to be Gay?

A documentary by Scott Mills, Radio 1 presenter was aired tonight on BBC3. It forms part of a series exploring the rights and freedoms we enjoy here in the UK. The presenter is taken out of their comfort zone and into challenging situations.

In the episode I've just finished watching, Scott goes to Uganda to speak to those on the bottom rung of the social ladder, who have been castigated from a normal existance and who face prosecution and jail or execution on top of relentless, violent persecution. For being gay. Eh??

I know Africa is a different continent to us. People everywhere have different customs, beliefs and laws. Taking religion, morals or anything else that helps you forget that we are all human beings and all that stuff out of the argument, and what are you left with? That's right, a witch doctor who will try to 'cure' you of being gay. Hooray!

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